Xplore Compliant ISBN: 978-1-6654-5736-1 — Online ISSN: 2836-1873


ICCSP’25 has been organized in Hybrid mode (In-person and Virtual) by Adhiparasakthi Engineering College (APEC), Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India. Virtual mode of Presentation is applicable only for foreign participants, as per IEEE terms and conditions. The accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.

Keynote Speakers

Ramani Kannan

Associate Professor,
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

Topic: Next-Generation Battery Management Systems for Efficient Energy Storage in Power Grid Integration

A Alphones

School of EEE,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Topic: Evolution of 5G to 6G Systems

S Ramakrishnan

Electronics and Radar Development Establishment,
Defence Research and Development Organisation, Bangalore.

Topic: Airborne Radars

Jimson Mathew

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Patna.

Topic: Detecting Deepfakes: Methods, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Invited Speakers

Nirmal Kumar Balaraman

PLC Applications Engineer,
Inframark LLC,

Topic: Innovative Technologies and Key Challenges in Sustainable Sewage Treatment and Energy Recovery

Lenin Gopal

Associate Professor,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Southampton Malaysia

Topic: Data-Driven Model for Post-Fault Voltage Stability Prediction in AC/DC Microgrid

Access the Previous Editions from IEEE Xplore

Conference Date: 5th, 6th & 7th of June 2025








Full Paper Submission

March 31, 2025

Full Paper Acceptance

April 30, 2025

Registration Deadline

May 15, 2025

Track & Scope

ICCSP invites full length research papers with unpublished research results on experimental or theoretical basis from the authors belong to industries, R&D organizations and academic institutions in the following topics (but not limited to)

Green Communication & Computing

Antenna & wave propagation
Advanced wireless communications, 5G/6G
Integrated sensing and communication
Advanced signal processing for communications
Cyber-security, blockchain
Cloud computing and IoT
Wireless networks
Photonic and optical communications

Green Energy & Power Systems


Renewable and Green energy
Battery technology
Advanced power electronics
Electric vehicles
Smart grid

Artificial Intelligence & its Applications


Machine learning, Deep learning algorithms
Data Science
Smart systems, smart cities, smart homes
AI applications in finance

Green Materials & Sensors


Nanosensors, Nanomaterials, Green materials
Sensor applications

Biomedical, Healthcare and Sports Engineering


Biomechanics and rehabilitation
Health predictive systems
Biomedical image processing
Tissue engineering
Gait analysis
Sport design, modeling, and analysis

Smart Education Systems


Innovative teaching and learning applications
Gamification tools
Neuroscience and neuroeducation

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems


Geographic Information System,
Global Navigation Satellite System,
Satellite Navigation and Positioning,
Surveying and Mapping
Aerial Photogrammetry Sensor Technology,
Mapping Technology
Optical Remote Sensing,
Microwave Remote Sensing,
Remote Sensing Of Atmospheric Environment Remote Sensing Information Engineering ,
Space Technology,
Landscape Image Processing Technology,
Hyperspectral Image Processing

Special Track

Special Track: Evolutionary Algorithms as Catalysts in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development

Special Track Chairs:

Submissions are invited but not limited to the following areas:

  • Novel evolutionary computation techniques in AI
  • Integration of evolutionary algorithms with machine learning and deep learning
  • Applications of evolutionary algorithms in big data and analytics
  • Theoretical advancements in evolutionary computation for AI
  • Evolutionary algorithms in natural language processing and computer vision
  • Case studies and real-world applications of evolutionary AI
  • Ethical and societal implications of AI driven by evolutionary algorithms
  • Evolutionary reinforcement learning
  • Comparative studies of evolutionary algorithms in AI
  • Future trends and challenges in evolutionary AI

Dr. Shuai Li is currently a Full Professor with Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), University of Oulu and also an Adjunct Professor with VTT-Technology Research Center of Finland. Steven’s main research interests are nonlinear optimization and intelligent control with their applications to robotics. He has published over 200 SCI indexed journal papers (including more than 90 on IEEE transactions) on peer reviewed journals. Steven is available for supervising both master and PhD students. PhD graduates from his group are now working in leading universities in Hong Kong, India, China as professors. Steven is a Fellow of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), a Fellow of BCS (British Computer Society) and a Fellow of IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications).

Dr. Ameer Tamoor Khan an accomplished scholar in computer vision, completed his Ph.D. in 2022 and has since been engaged in groundbreaking research at the University of Copenhagen. His academic journey began with a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences in 2017, followed by a stint as a research assistant in the Cyber Physical Lab at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University during 2017-18. Khan’s Ph.D. studies, commenced in 2018 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Department of Computing, focused on diverse fields such as control systems, optimization techniques, and robotics path planning, underscoring his versatile expertise and commitment to advancing technological frontiers.